Electric or Gas Heating?

The first question of who have to renovate their home or building is to understand which form of heating is the cheapest. What is better? What do you have to choose, electric Vs gas heating?
To make a conscious and suitable choice for your needs and property, several aspects must be taken into consideration: from the installation, to the cost of energy, to the consumption and comfort that the system gives to the property.
So how to choose electric vs gas heating ? In Italy, unlike the rest of Europe, we are used to heating houses almost exclusively with natural gas, because in almost all areas of the country. Electric heating systems are entering in our houses thanks to the combination with solar and photovoltaic panels that allow energy self-production.
But how much do you spend on heating in your home with an electric floor heating system and how much do you spend on gas heating? Electric Vs Gas heating – Who is the winner?

For the same use, natural gas seems to have slightly lower supply costs than electricity.
In the supply costs, however, is not taken the losses that occur in the functioning of the system.


Underfloor heating system, compared to the traditional heating in an equal temperature, has got an energy saving of over 30%. The reason is that the high radiant surface of the floor is equipped with a low temperature of the heating element.
The thermal gradient generated with a floor heating system help to reduce thermic looses; it is possible to obtain the heat that it is usually wasted by the air stratification which strengthens the temperature near the ceiling; this recovery increases as the height of the rooms increases, in practice higher is the room and more convenient the floor heating system is. The floor provided the heated, so it is extremely easy to clean. The absence of convection does not generate the formation of dust nests. In addition, the low temperature gradient between the floor temperature and the room temperature (about 4 ° C), not causing limited convective motions, the lifting of dust and bacteria that cause allergies.
In this way, any irritation of the respiratory tract is avoided, often caused by the combustion of the dust deposited on the radiators where the fluid is at a high temperature (about 70 ° C). Finally, it is important to know that the heating floor reduces humidity, which is the primary source of bacteria, especially dust mites. A dry floor in all the winter season is sufficient to stop the spread of dust mites in the floors as well as in the carpets. In addition, an optimal humidity rate increases the degree of comfort.


It is clear that the underfloor heating system is the most efficient, most effective and most comfortable solution; it remains to understand why to prefer electric heating compared to an hydronic heating.
The reasons are considerable, first for the prices:

  • Supply and installation costs are 50% less than an hydronic heating (installation times significantly lower-50 m2 / h)
  • No maintenance, once installed there will be no management costs
  • Thickness of heating is only 3 mm, suitable for laying under all types of flooring
  • Reduced consumption thanks to an “intelligent” management of the house through a load management unit
  • Possibility of installation also in small spaces; such as bathrooms where otherwise the only solution would be the use of a radiator/heated towel panels
  • Total elimination of GAS from the home

Warmset followed the energy efficiency of several public buildings in the municipality of San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) in collaboration with our partner Easytech. Here the results obtained.