Church of the Madonna dell’Orto in Venice

The Church of the Madonna dell’Orto is one of the most striking examples of Venetian Gothic architecture. The building, which dates back to the 14th century, was having problems finding a quick, efficient solution for its heating.
This was solved in just one day by installing the Warmset system. The Warmset underfloor heating system can be laid without resorting to building work and the whole surface area can be covered so that church goers feel warm and comfortable.
Here, we decided to heat the pew area and cover it with a ornamental rug although other materials, for example, a wooden platform, can also be used.
This heating system is completely invisible and silent and does not disturb sight and hearing in any way. Installation is quick and economic because no building work is necessary and energy consumption is also very low because it quickly reaches the desired temperature. The final result is an undisputed combination of comfort and aesthetics that is in keeping with the sacredness of the place.